Have you ever sat down and wondered: “What would it be like to actually be president of Emery/Weiner’s biggest club: the Student Government Association (SGA)?” Well, you’re in luck because I, Asher Deutsch, had the opportunity to follow Audrey Hochglaube, student body president, through a typical Tuesday.
I woke up bright and early, 5:30 a.m., to get ready for Audrey’s cross-country practice with Coach Williamson and the team. Audrey and I arrived at Helfman Field, pumped up and ready to run. She then led her team through warm-ups and stretching to start their daily four-mile run. This particular day had been a neighborhood run, which allowed us space to discuss her day-to-day duties.
There, in the middle of her exhausting workout, I was able to really ask Audrey what it is like to be the president. She enlightened me, “You know it might seem all glamor getting to promote and plan fun events like field day, but honestly, I am super busy. There is basically no downtime; there is always something I can work on, whether it is SGA-related, college, or schoolwork. My time is stretched very thin.”
After hearing more about Audrey’s presidential duties and finishing the run, she led the team through an ab workout before we both headed back home to get ready for school. For breakfast, Audrey went for a quick but healthy option: two Whole Foods tacos with eggs, cheese, and potatoes. On a particularly busy day, she also likes to get an iced vanilla latte with whole milk.
“These things keep me wired,” Audrey said as her eyes widened, “I am a wholehearted Whole Foods coffee supporter.”
Once back on campus, she started her day like any other student and attended her morning classes. Her presidential responsibilities then resumed promptly during snack, where on this Tuesday, she met with the Dean of Students, Mr. Galleher, to ensure the logistics of the upcoming club fair and discuss details of the upcoming SGA meeting.
After checking off a few other agenda items during her study hall, she headed off to a very short lunch, where she got her meal and ate it within the first five minutes before running off to take cross-country team photos. Then, she spent the rest of lunch bouncing between her meetings for capstone, Israel club, and SGA.
“Trying to prioritize gets difficult. I care a lot about everything I am involved in since being a part of these diverse facets of Emery ultimately helps me represent the student body better. Nevertheless, it gets hard sometimes,” Audrey shares when reflecting on her busy lunches
After three successful meetings, Audrey completed her official presidential duties for the day and went back to class. However, her responsibilities often extend into after-school hours, attending events to support her student body, like volleyball and football games. She dedicates a lot of time to her extracurriculars, particularly her presidency. At the end of the day, she loves what she does and does what she loves.

Audrey Hochglaube • Sep 26, 2023 at 9:34 pm