As the 10:15 a.m. bell rings and echoes throughout the Emery/Weiner hallways, hundreds of hungry teenagers race toward the commons for a snack. Every day, sophomore Asher Pollock voluntarily controls the chaos by holding the door open for nearly every speeding student. Thanks to Pollock, not only can students reach their snacks faster, but more importantly, teenagers can start their morning with a feeling of gratitude.
While Pollock is not the only student who takes the time to hold open the door for his peers, his continued dedication to help everyone makes him stand out among all students. “It would feel weird for me to hold open the door for just part of a group,” Pollock explains. “I would feel bad if people were still coming out, and I just decided to walk away.”
A desire for a response like a “thank you” is not what inspires Pollock’s kindness. He mentions that he decides to wait and keep the door open because “[he has] the time, and [he does] not feel a need to get anywhere first.” Pollock’s patience is beyond admirable as it serves as the eye of a hurricane in the whirlwind of a high school student’s stressful life. Pollock’s behavior reminds students that, regardless of how busy or stressful the day might feel, there is always time to be considerate and kind.
Pollock’s desire to take time to help others rather than contribute to the frenzy of a dismissal bell sets an incredible example for other teenagers. Junior Carly Katz shares that “I am 100 percent inspired by Asher. If somebody was willing to go out of their way to be kind and make my day better, I should be willing to do the same.” According to Emery’s Dean of Students Trip Galleher, Pollock’s behavior gets “us all to be grateful at least once in our day.”
When looking up to Pollock, students learn and witness the beauty of caring for others. He teaches us that even the smallest gestures have the power to change someone’s entire day. By simply opening the door, Pollock also opens our eyes to the value of a simple act of kindness.